We provide a complaints handling process for those making and receiving complaints and ensure best practices for handling complaints. We believe that for effective complaints handling, there needs to be commitment at all levels within our company.
We are committed to responding positively to complaints and this is reflected in our documented policies and procedures for the resolution of complaints.
Our management team is committed to training our staff to ensure staff fully understand the Insurance Brokers Dispute Limited process. We have ensured that there are a sufficient number of staff trained to handle complaints. We have created reporting processes that will be reported to management to ensure that complaints are addressed in a timely and effective manner.
The complaints system aims to;
- Increase the level of consumer satisfaction with the delivery of products and services
- Enhance the consumer/provider relationship
- Recognise, promote and protect consumers rights, including the right to comment and complain.
- Provide an efficient, fair and accessible mechanism for resolving consumer complaints.
- Provide information to consumers on the complaints handling process
- Monitor complaints in an endeavour to improve the quality of products and services.
The process of submitting complaints is not limited to one form of communication. Customer’s can log a complaint in the following manner;
- Orally
- In Writing
- In Person
- Appoint someone on behalf of them to log the complaint
We are committed to a fair and transparent resolution of all disputes. We subscribe to the Insurance Broker’s Code of Practice and we have a detailed Internal Dispute Resolution process.
We also subscribe to an external dispute resolution service, Financial Ombudsman Service Limited that is available to all our clients without cost, if any dispute is not resolved to their satisfaction.
Should you wish to lodge a complaint, you have the option of contacting our office in several ways;
By Post
Compliance & Complaints Manager
PO Box 1162 Hawksburn, VIC 3142
By Telephone on (03) 9827-6355
By Email to [email protected]
If your complaint cannot be resolved to your satisfaction within 20 business days, you have the right to refer the matter to Financial Ombudsman Service Limited (FOS).
They may be contacted:
By Post
Financial Ombudsman Service Limited
GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001
By Telephone Toll Free: 1300 78 08 08
By Email to [email protected]
Or by Lodging a complaint also available at the Financial Ombudsman Service website.
If you require further information about any of these procedures please contact our office